I’ll be honest. I don’t like winter training. Getting out of bed in the dark and cold. Looking at the lightening sky to divine what the weather will later throw at you from above.

Winter cycling: More conversation, same action?

Putting the porridge and coffee on and then, while they bubble and brew, layer after layer of clothing on your body, which still wants to be in that lovely, warm bed.

And the thoughts that go through my mind: what if I don’t do it, I won’t be putting the kilometres in and I won’t be building my base and I won’t hit my goals for next summer. That bed though…

Let’s be totally honest. Nobody likes winter training.

But what about winter cycling?

What about getting out on your bike to catch up with your friends, riding at a pace at which you can all chat.

Winter cycling: More conversation, same action?

Conversations. Plans and hopes and dreams. Riding holidays, touring, long rides, adventures to come. Sagan and Froome and Barguil and Dumoulin, Paris-Nice and the Giro and Roubaix. Pro gossip, the good the bad and the ugly.

The low sun through the trees. Passing into a hollow where the sun hasn’t been, swimming through waves of cool and cold air.

Soup and sausage rolls and stew in a casserole on the stove top when you return home. Pastries and coffee, and more coffee and hot chocolate and coffee.

Winter cycling: More conversation, same action?
Winter cycling: More conversation, same action?

And suddenly that’s four hours flown past, 100km in the bank. And maybe you put in a bit of effort just to see what’s there.Turns out the worst bit is crossing the threshold from indoors to outside.

When the alarm goes in the dark and the bed seems so inviting it is difficult to believe that spring is just around the corner.

Winter cycling: More conversation, same action?

But take heart. The year has turned and the darkest days have passed.

Those good long days are on their way back. Let’s ride out to meet them.