Since our London Store opened, it's been on the 'to do' list. The task? Join the Café du Cycliste dots and ride from HQ in Nice to the big smoke. It's a self-made Audax of sorts and a ride of contrasts. Traverse the mother land and soak in the wine and the paysage, hop the channel and ride the relatively short distance to the City and all it's English-ness.

Due north: Sun to the city

Who better to complete the task than three long-distance amigos. They were Born To Ride together - completing Chilkoot's longest event in 2016 from Vézelay to Barcelona. Since then, the trio have been everywhere and anywhere but not so much together. On Sunday they are reunited to head Due North.

Due north: Sun to the city

Meet the team:

Matthieu aka Manivelle : long-distance lover, ambassador, graphic designer and general flâneur on a bike. He nearly bit our hand off when we first suggested the adventure. Since then he's be planning, drawing, rounding up the troops and generally whipping up a storm.

Elisabeth : teacher, but more importantly a meticulous long-distance randonneur. Everything must be correct, organised, and prepped. Rumour has it she will be the beer and wine expert to ensure recovery is taken seriously each evening.

Gregory : TCR NO.3 Finisher, Lyonnais living in Berlin. His instagram profile states 'why have abs when you can have kebabs'. We think Gregory won't be disappointed with the food options when he gets to London.

Due north: Sun to the city
Due north: Sun to the city

The route card details a parcours measuring 1,400kms, consisting of seven days and one ferry.

Their schedule, including drinks, is as follows:

Day No. / Kms / Hydration

J1 : 235 — Midi : Bandol • Soir : Coteaux d'Aix-en-Provence

J2 : 240 — Midi : Chateauneuf du Pape • Soir : Côte Rôtie

J3 : 235 — Midi : Beaujolais • Soir : Givry

J4 : 220 — Midi : Bière de Vezelay • Soir : Chablis

J5 : 220 — Midi : Bière Crazy Hops • Soir : Jasnières

J6 : 125 + FERRY — Midi : cidre • Soir : Calvados

J7 : 160 — Midi & Soir : Bière
» Arrivée Café du Cycliste London

Due north: Sun to the city

Look out for stories on our Instagram account to follow the journey.